“DREAMS” first solo album!!
Krzysztof Blas decided to treat the audience a journey through nearly all styles of music.
“Dreams” is a unique album – combining virtuoso, guitar performances with rich harmonies and colors of many of the original instruments.
The album will be able to hear the cast of excellent musicians:
Grzegorz Sulikowski – drums
Kamil Skwara – bass
Andrzej Stagraczynski – bass
Lukasz Bryla – piano, Hammond
Piotr Florczyk – double bass
The album included under the auspices of the biggest music magazines – Guitarist Magazine, Top Guitar, as well as Internet portals – gitara.pl, fabrykazespolow.pl, wojnygitarowe.pl, e-gitara.net.pl and e-muzyk.net.pl.
“DREAMS” will be available from 23/11/2009 at chain stores
and on www.absonic.pl , www.fonografika.pl .